3 Techniques to Increase Cannabis Yields

3 Techniques to Increase Cannabis Yields the aim while producing high-quality cannabis is to make it bigger, deodorized, and heavier. What is the greatest strategy to boost yields and maximize the potential of your crop? I could discuss additives and items you can buy with you, but I feel like that would be a bit too obvious and wouldn’t teach you anything.

Knowing the biology of your plant is a vital component in growing. Learn to read your plants, and you’ll be able to see the telltale indicators that your plant is reaching its peak. If you raise your plants appropriately from seed to weed rather than slapping on a miracle cure at the last minute, you will get far more out of them.

  1. Harvest When It’s Right

It may seem obvious, but of course, you will never get the best results if you plant the plants before they have finished maturity or past flowering. The accompanying charts and cycle schedules are only guides. Just because it says flowering time is 9 weeks doesn’t mean you’re going to grow her at that exact time anyway.

Pulled too early, the plant has not yet produced all of the terpene- and cannabinoid-rich oils and trichomes. Also, don’t forget to factor in flushing time and required preparation time. Otherwise, you may end up harvesting later than planned. Watch out for these signs and get it right.

Trichome color

The appearance of the trichome resin glands in the buds changes. About half of the trichomes should appear milky white, and the other half should be a bright amber color when ready for harvest.

Leaf color           

During flowering, nitrogen gives the leaves a green color. However, when it comes time to harvest, the nitrogen levels drop and the fan leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off.

Frilled leaves

The leaves can not only turn yellow but also curl and dry out. The water deficit is due to the plant absorbing less water as the harvest approaches.

Brown stamp

In photoperiod plants, the pistil turns brown as the plant matures. The best time to harvest is when about half of the pistils have turned brown.

  1. Take Care of the Environment

A stable and well-managed environment is important to maximize yields. This includes proper temperature, humidity, lighting conditions, and air movement. Taking care of your cannabis growing environment will allow every plant to reach its true potential.


The amount of light is a key factor in determining yield. Light also changes the way plants grow. Some grow lights, like LED grow lights, use a custom color spectrum to help your plants grow at their best.


Cannabis plants prefer temperatures in the range of 19 to 30°C (65 to 85°F) and problems arise when temperatures fall outside of this range. Get your trusty digital thermometer and stay in control of the situation.

Air circulation

To help your plants grow faster, make sure your plants always have plenty of breezes and fresh air. A breeze blowing over, in, and under the plants is ideal. One or two oscillating fans can usually accomplish this. Good air circulation also helps keep out pests such as powdery mildew, bud rot, fungal gnats, and spider mites.


It’s also important to let heat escape from the grow lights, especially if the plants get too hot while the lights are on. For any type of light, the higher the wattage, the more heat it produces. To control temperature, you should consider removing heat from your growing area.


Proper humidity levels, ranging from 40-60%, depending on the life cycle stage, promote faster growth and higher resin production. Too much humidity risks rotting buds and slowing growth. Too low humidity leads to leaf stress and growth failure.

Finally, Cannabis makes sure your gears and controls still work with the lights off. I know a lot of growers where when the lights go out, so does everything else. That is a big mistake.

  1. Make your nutrient uptake function at its best.

Once you have the perfect environment, a third way to increase yield is to feed your plants as much as possible.

The best way to do this is to stick to the EC value for that particular strain (note that every strain is different). Also, you need to make sure the pH is at the right level.

Cannabis plants can only absorb nutrients within a small pH window ranging from about 5.5 to 6.5. Suppose the pH is below or above this value. When this happens, plants have difficulty absorbing nutrients even when they are present, leading to nutrient starvation due to nutrient lockout. The situation is similar in EC. EC is a measure of feed strength. The more nutrients in the water, the stronger the feed and the higher the EC.

Cannabis prefers seedling EC values ​​of around 0.8 to 1.3. 0.5 to 1.3 for clones. 1.3-1.7 at the vegetative stage and 1.2-2 during flowering. Try to keep the EC at the lower end of the range as if it were increasing too much as it can also cause nut lockout. You can purchase a probe that accurately measures EC and pH simultaneously.

Check out how clean your nutrients are. There are various nutritional values, some of which are of inferior quality and unsuitable for human consumption. Inferior nutrients can also distort his EC value and lead to misleading results. Using clean pharmaceutical-grade nutrients means the elements in the solution are purer, more reliable, cleaner, and of higher quality, providing better levels of nutrients for your plants. This can make all the difference when it comes to returns.

Mycorrhizae are great tools to ensure that plants get the right levels of nutrients. Mycorrhizae are natural fungi that can be added to a plant’s potting soil from the seedling stage to optimize and strengthen the root zone. A large and strong root zone means a higher ability to absorb nutrients, which hopefully leads to larger, better plants and yields.

Because the root zone is the foundation upon which everything else is built. , you’ll find that if you do this right, you’ll get excellent results. They have some reliable methods to ensure yields continue to recharge rather than relying on the latest super products. It’s also a great way to become a better grower in your garden.